The retail markets in Shanghai pay more attention to sophisticated knitwear in spring and summer. Lightweight cardis and Chanel-inspired pieces are extremely prevalent. Besides, lace paneling is the best craft to express feminine charm. To color displaying, knitwear puts emphasis on simple and elegant experiences.
Small sophisticated cardis in spring and summer pay more attention to fine-gauged stitching. Breathable, moisture-wicking summer yarns are selected. Looser and lighter cardigans are mainly presented in short sleeves to show casualness.
S/S T-shirt puts emphasis on textures. Delicate fine-gauged stitching and fine-count yarns ensure the soft handle. Besides, 3D expressions strengthen the visual effect and granular touch.
Lace and lustrous satin are spliced on collars. Lace materials are more feminine, gentle and poetic, while the application of satin reflects the capability of modern ladies.
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